How it all began...


Mine is a beautiful piece of labradorite.

This crystal is the reason I decided that I would help as many people in the world have the magic of crystal energy in their life.

It's not the biggest, not the most expensive, or the rarest, but this crystal has a story, and was sent to me for healing.

Some of you may know that I'm mad about dogs. Particularly rescuing dogs. They are in my opinion the purest form of love on this planet, and not enough people realise that. Dog IS god, dog IS love. They are the only thing on the planet that love their humans more than they love themselves, and they should be worshipped and treasured like the precious angels they are. They teach us how to love, how to connect with another soul on an entirely different level, with no agenda and without wanting anything in return. They are much better than people and could teach us a thing or two.

My first little rescue was a white chihuahua who I named Minnie. She lived in a shed in squalor for 5 years of her life, and the day I picked her up, was the first day of her being a real, loved dog. Her legs, feet and tummy were yellow from laying in urine, her vagina was swollen and sore from being force bred, she hated being picked up in any way, and she lived in a big dog bed, in my kitchen next to the radiator, under a thick duvet, for 6 months (you wouldn't know she was there unless you were told) until she dared to venture out and peep her head around the corner to make sure we were still there, but not wanting to be seen. If you looked at her she would run off.

I hand fed her for a long time in her bed with her, because she was so frightened to get out of the safety of the duvet and get her food. Her soul was broken. The world she knew had broken her. Failed her in every way and violated her.

Fast forward a few years, and she started to get personality, she would sit on the couch with me (but never on me, ever, until the day she passed away).

I had 7 glorious years with her, and she passed away a week after her 12th birthday. We nearly lost her to pyometra (an infection of the uterus), after a year of rehoming her, the vet said she was lucky to be alive, and this was most likely a result of overbreeding, so to have her and love her all those years was a blessing.

She began to have seizures, and was riddled with arthritis from lack of care in her early years. I would not let this strong girl go without a fight. The vet put her on so many meds, it was frightening to think such a tiny thing was ingesting so many chemicals (tramadol, diazepam). It didn't feel right. She was like a zombie all the time, and the pain and seizures still came. I needed alternatives. I spoke to the vet about holistic care, herbs, tinctures etc. They could not discuss any of it with me given their profession and training. I did hours of research, and started her on milk thistle, apple cider vinegar, golden paste (turmeric paste), diffusing valerian, vetiver and chamomile oils to keep her calm, and orally gave her CBD oil. The senior vet who she was under the care of, a lovely lady named Birgit when I told her of these new additions simply said 'I cannot comment in terms of Minnie, but my dad was a doctor and swore by CBD oil, taking it for his dementia'. I knew what she was trying to say.

Birgit loved Minnie, they all did, she became a bit of a celebrity with all the vet visits she had. Everyone who knew Minnie, loved her.

The same day I started her on CBD oil, the seizures stopped. The same day, just like that! Considering these were a daily occurrence, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Minnie would have up to 5 seizures a day. Seeing something so little that you love so much going through that suffering and confusion, and feeling helpless, it destroyed me. So you can imagine how happy I was to think we were over it, we had cracked it, she would be safe with me forever (isn't that what all animal lovers think).

She got a second wind, she was so spirited, she smiled more (she really did smile at me when we connected).

The joy was short lived. She began coughing, wheezing, she couldn't get comfortable in her usual position wedged in the same corner of the couch with her blanket, 'Minnie's Corner'. I'd take her to bed with me instead of leaving her with my other two dogs in the lounge as she couldn't hold her bladder like she used to and needed to get up in the night like a baby.

A few vet visits later, I had to leave her for an X-ray and scan. She was full of beans that morning, her usual funny little self. I went home and worked on clients (being an aesthetician prior to setting up Cosmic Club). I got the call no animal lover thinks will ever happen. Minnie had a huge tumour in her throat, it was inoperable.

They offered chemotherapy but the result in the end would be the same, and I couldn't do it to her, it would have been a painful time for her, she deserved more respect.

That afternoon, we drove to the vets, my little Minnie was wrapped in her pink fluffy blanket on the vet table, her paw bandaged in pink wrapping from where they had placed the cannula, still in place for what was to come. She looked at me and we both knew what we had to do, she told me it was okay with her big brown eyes, like she always did.

She let me hold her and relaxed in my arms for the first time in her whole life, she slipped away peacefully. I didn't want to let her go, to put her down for the last time. Leaving her in the vets and driving home just didn't feel right. I felt like she had been abandoned again.

The vets sent me her tiny paw print cast in a piece of ceramic, it meant the world to me, it still does, and I kept all her things with her blanket in a box, which she resides next to now. And in a magical twist, like the universe knows how to do so well, the client that I was working on at the time, when I took the call that we needed to go see her straight away, told me a few days later that she had gone out with her friend that night for dinner, and as my client explained what had happened, her friend realised who she was talking about, and it turns out the friend is the veterinary nurse who was in the room with us to support us and Minnie whilst the worst happened. What are the odds of that?!...

The week passed in a blur, I couldn't think straight, I wasn't whole, not having children Minnie was my baby.
A few days after she passed I saw an advert saying 'crystal van in your area', I wasn't fully on my spiritual journey at that point, and have no idea why I saw it, but I did. It was visiting the street I lived on, exactly 7 days after Minnie passed away. Something told me to message and book, and I nearly didn't go because I was still moping around, but I did.

I looked around the van and picked up a few pieces. I spoke to the lady who owned the van, and told her about Minnie in passing. She said if you run your hands over crystals, you can feel drawn to the ones you need. I felt silly doing it at the time but I did it anyway. I felt a tingling in a drawer of labradorite, and pin pointed where it was coming from. It wasn't the biggest or brightest in the drawer, but I knew I had to pick it up. I did, and as I turned it over, I knew why. There was a paw print in the beautiful flashes of the crystal. It was Minnie.

The flashy 'lights' in labradorite is called Labradoresence (Its origins in the northern hemisphere mean that Labradorite is inextricably linked to the magic of the night skies. Legend has it that one of the greatest natural shows on earth, the Aurora Borealis, The Norther Lights, were trapped inside the rocks of Labrador and lay awaiting discovery amongst the Inuit and Beothuk people. One warrior is said to have tried to free the light with his spear, but the strength of the rocks was such that this beautiful spectrum of light was crystallised inside them forever more. Simply looking at Labradorite gemstones will imprint their magical powers on your mind - it truly is hard to resist the transfixing nature of this beautiful stone.)

I obviously bought the crystal, and I picked up a piece of Rose Quartz which I put in her box, to give her everlasting love, in whatever realm she was in now. Amazingly she was still learning new things and gaining confidence until the day she passed, in the last week I managed to get her to eat from her bowl next to the wall, instead of hiding under the kitchen table with it like she was doing something wrong to eat.

From that moment, I was hooked on crystals. And I thank Minnie for leading me to them, and being the strength and reason behind what today is Cosmic Club.

We wouldn't sit in 'Minnie's Corner' for a long long time. Knowing she was there, feeling her big, beautiful presence. I see her from time to time, around my feet, and have smelt her cute little doggy smell when I've been for healing sessions. Always with her mummy... but now as my angel and guide.

I always say 'the only negative thing about a dog, is that they don't live long enough' and what kept me going is knowing that dogs don't fear death like we do, and she hopefully didn't know what was about to happen.

So there's the story of 'Minnie's Crystal'.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Minnie, I healed you, but you healed me too girl.