
High grade white sage

Long burn time

Ideal for full space clearing

Purifies the air

Banishes negative energy


Complete kit

Give your space a spiritual lift!
This kit contains everything you need to get your favourite places back into the good groove!
Native Americans traditionally used abalone shells in clearing rituals as they are very heat resistant.
This kit contains representations of the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water).
Earth: White sage
Air: Smoke
Fire: Match
Water: Abalone shell

- Californian white sage energy clearing stick
- Abalone shell
- Black Tourmaline protection crystal
- Mantra card
- Energy clearing directions card

This perfect kit contains everything you need to keep a happy and energetically healthy home/space. The abalone shell is to catch any falling ash. When you have cleared and reset your sacred space place the black tourmaline in your room of choice for further protection until the next time you clear the space.

All Cosmic Club energy clearing tools (White Sage, Yerba Santa, Palo Santo) are supplied with a FREE 'How To' instructions card and also a pleasant mantra to accompany your ritual (if that's your vibe!).